The AD5DZ USB MIDI Morse Code Straight Key - Live DEMO using ehoCW QRQcw 1:17 5 years ago 205 Далее Скачать
ehoCW - The only Morse Code iambic CW Keyer for Windows 10 with MIDI INPUT for keying - LIVE DEMO QRQcw 2:33 5 years ago 467 Далее Скачать
Ubuntu Morse Code APP - IAMBIC & STRAIGHT KEY, CW KEYER - by AD5DZ - live demo QRQcw 0:55 8 years ago 418 Далее Скачать
Windows 10 complete Morse Code Station - iambic paddles, Straight Key & CW Keyboard QRQcw 1:48 5 years ago 1 059 Далее Скачать
Teensy LC board - Windows 10 iambic CW Keyer - using EhoCW & the AD5DZ embedded MidiKey software QRQcw 1:51 5 years ago 111 Далее Скачать
AD5DZ's USB iambic touch paddles(a TEENSY sbc board) & the ehoCW iambic CW KEYER on Windows 10 QRQcw 0:53 5 years ago 56 Далее Скачать
midicw - A morse code CW KEYER app for Linux - setup & live demo QRQcw 1:49 8 years ago 866 Далее Скачать
AD5DZ - straight key - morse code keyer software - running on a Raspberry Pi - LIVE DEMO QRQcw 13:59 7 years ago 276 Далее Скачать
ehoCW - The only Morse Code CW keyboard for Windows 10 with ASIO driver support - LIVE DEMO QRQcw 3:40 5 years ago 2 033 Далее Скачать
AD5DZ iambic morse code keyer PLUS straight key - using Jack Audio Connection Kit QRQcw 2:29 8 years ago 311 Далее Скачать
Morse Code Straight Key - software CW KEYER - made with a simple PURE DATA PATCH QRQcw 2:01 6 years ago 280 Далее Скачать
iambic paddles hooked up to a Teensy LC board for keying CW with ehoCW on a Windows 10 desktop QRQcw 1:57 5 years ago 58 Далее Скачать
Morse Code CW Straight Key for Windows 10 - using a USB to SERIAL PORT adapter & the "softCW" APP QRQcw 0:27 5 years ago 1 548 Далее Скачать
The AD5DZ Linux iambic & straight key - software CW KEYER - setup & demo QRQcw 5:42 6 years ago 313 Далее Скачать
demo of sending Morse Code over using iambic paddles, st. key & CW keyboard QRQcw 1:51 4 years ago 140 Далее Скачать
AD5DZ - iambic paddles - morse code keyer software - running on a Raspberry Pi - LIVE DEMO QRQcw 8:25 7 years ago 194 Далее Скачать
The ZamGate Morse Code software CW Keyer - Live demo with iambic paddles QRQcw 1:05 6 years ago 839 Далее Скачать
CW Copy Practice using a CW MIDI file & a variable speed MIDI player with The AD5DZ CW Keyer QRQcw 2:45 4 years ago 59 Далее Скачать
AD5DZ iambic morse code keyer using Jack Audio Connection Kit QRQcw 2:17 8 years ago 276 Далее Скачать